Recap on Recent Updates

A.W. Empire doesn’t stay in one place for too long. Always on the move, looking for a way to improve our partner’s experience. We hope you haven’t lost sight of us, so, scroll down to see  the most notable changes that have been made, like the removal of BimBim, a new tool in A.W. Empire’s […]

Making Whitelabels the Right Way

A.W. Empire has been supporting LiveJasmin and its monetization of cams for 20 years straight. So far, we’ve been providing our publishers with some of the best tools on the market, including interactive, video, and image creatives. But most importantly, we’ve been providing the option to create your own Whitelabel whenever you need a tailor-made […]

CreditBack: An Update to the Club Elite Loyalty Program for LiveJasmin Users

Staying up to date is a competitive advantage of LiveJasmin. Being in touch with both users and affiliates (with the help of A.W. Empire 😎 of course), they introduced CreditBack to reward users’ loyalty. The CreditBack feature is a part of the Club Elite loyalty program, rewarding users with extra credits based on their rank, […]

20 Years of Awesomeness with A.W. Empire

Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve made it — 20 years are behind us! With such a milestone being reached, we really want to look back and reflect on how we got here. From the introduction of new features to minor updates, we’ve made the platform of our dreams jointly! Thank you for always supporting us. Whether […]

The Power of Attending Industry Events

The importance of affiliate marketing conferences For those of you who have been following us on social media, you might have noticed that we frequent digital marketing conferences. The autumn of 2024 started with AW Europe in Budapest (for the first time ever), and then we made our way to TES 2024 in Prague. The next stop […]

Faster Payouts with A.W. Empire

Serving LiveJasmin, one of the largest live cam providers, requires more than paying out top rates and dealing with affiliates’ requests daily. There is also a need to improve and update the User Experience (UX) for our partners. In this post, we’ll talk about Fast Payout, a handy feature that enables you to get paid […]